Currently Recruiting:
- MSc Position to study Erythrocyte Fatty Acid Signatures Associated with Dairy Intakes and Cardiometabolic Disease Risk Factors in a Canadian Population. Specific details can be found here.
- MSc or PhD Position to study The Anti-Obesity and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
Interested individuals should contact Dr. Mutch at with a copy of your CV, transcript, cover letter and name of 3 references.
General Information:
The Mutch Lab is interested in self-motivated, hard-working and enthusiastic individuals at all levels (undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral) to join the team. Individuals interested to join our team must understand that positions available are limited and highly competitive, and depend on the availability of research funding.
For graduate students and postdoctoral fellows: Obtaining your own support is not mandatory but will increase your success obtaining a position. Support is available from OGS, NSERC, and CIHR.